Mércores, 3 Jul. 2024

Actualizado10:50:26 PM GMT

Estás en Val Miñor The summer is ahead and it leaves maximum of 24 ºC in the north and 30 ºC in t

The summer is ahead and it leaves maximum of 24 ºC in the north and 30 ºC in t

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It begins the summer. The anticyclone of the Azores has leaned back on the British islands that it is a very good posture for Galicia because it sends winds of the This able ones of the cloudy that was formed in the last days in the counties vanishing of A Coruña and Lugo, and like sample of what approaches, go the temperatures maximum registered yesterday: 25 grades in Pontevedra and Ourense, 20 in Santiago, 17 in Ferrol and A Coruña, and 15 in Ribadeo. Those of a Mariña lucense they always take those of losing: 10 grades of difference regarding the Galicians of the south that don't have more explanation than the absence of a natural windwall that protects to those of Lugo of the humidities and the northern marine colds. Thermal ascent  
With that exception, the time in Galicia for next weekend will be summer total. The temperatures will go ascending and it is foreseen that on Sunday they reach 31 grades in the interior, 28 in the Creeks Baixas, 24 in the Discharges, and in Ribadeo, had bill of their climatic peculiarities, maxims anything despicable of 22. The winds will stay of component This, oscillating between the Southeast and the Nordés, slack intensity to moderate, and they will transport to the community masses of warm air and I dry off.  
Ultraviolet index  
Beach migration, in definitive, but with objections. The temperature of the water of the sea is still to be thought it (14 grades in the Galician Atlantic, 20 in the canary and 17 in the Mediterranean), and on the other hand the solar radiation already touches levels that he/she suits to keep in mind. MeteoGalicia predicts for the central hours of today's day, among the one and four in the afternoon that the ultraviolet index goes up to grade 7 (in a scale of 1 at 11). AND it is not the 9 that foregonely he/she will register at the end of the month of June, but the current level already enters in the category of high radiation and, as such, it demands solar protection.  
The question is that there is no longer returned behind. With independence of the rainy phenomena that can take place in next weeks, with eventual entrances of cold air and included bassoon of temperatures, the time of summer begins to be a fact. It tells it the anticyclone, high in latitude, potent of pressure and extensive in surface; and it confirms it the evolution of storms, faded and every day that passes more confined to their summer barracks, there between Greenland and Norway, looking to the Polar Circle.